Exhibition views: WORKS ON PAPER @ Büro Weltausstellung
Exhibition view (Photo: Simon Veres)
Exhibition view (Photo: Simon Veres)
Exhibition view (Photo: Simon Veres)
Maria Lassnig (Courtesy Maria Lassnig Foundation, Photo: Simon Veres)
Ulrike Lienbacher (Courtesy the Artist and Gallery Krinzinger, Photo: Simon Veres
Judith Fegerl (Courtesy Galerie Hubert Winter, Photo: Simon Veres
Claudia Plank, Marianne Vlaschits, Kerstin von Gabain, Sara Glaxia, Karin Ferrari (Photo: Simon Veres)
Nino Sakandelidze, Sara Glaxia, Sophie Gogl (Photo: Simon Veres)
Flora Hauser (Photo: Simon Veres)
Kerstin von Gabain (Photo: Simon Veres)
Katherina Olschbaur (Photo: Simon Veres)
Nino Sakandelidze (Photo: Simon Veres)